I left you the voicemail today just to get a little more info on our son's school. He has been saying he has a teacher and went to school since I last had him on 8/22/09. When he first mentioned it I wasn't sure if he just visited a school with you and/or your daughter so I didn't ask any questions. Now he says he has two teachers and he is going to school so I figured that sounded like a pre-school setting and I should ask you. I was not trying to be critical at all just wanted more info so I can understand more the things that he talk about. Now you say that you sent me a text message and I appreciate that but as I mentioned to you during our conversation that my phone was off. I know you didn't have to send that text. I know you don't have to give me any information about our son nor do you have to consider my role as his father... ever. That was evident when you didn't call to let me know he was in the hospital. But just to be a little more considerate if you don't mind. Please don't depend on a text message for important events regarding our son. There are numerous ways you can get a message to me in between my visits with him. I am sure you know this. My grandmother and my father are both reachable by phone and within 5 minutes driving time from you. Even my sister lives 3 blocks away from you. Again, I understand that you are not obligated in anyway to share any information about our son. But if you are willing to send a text then please be willing to call so I won't miss his first day of school, hospitalizations, or any other important events concerning him. I would never depend on a text message regarding important things with our son without at least a follow up call or confirmation that you received it. If you aren't willing to follow up or call then don't send a text just to send it and act as if that was the best you could do. We both are much smarter than that. Thanks again for the info today.
Ok, I laughed at the accompanying pic :)
ReplyDeleteBut this is a serious matter! You just have to maintain your position. Hang in there, and know things will improve in time!